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December 2005 Photos
The most wonderful time of the year.
November 2005 Photos
Lots to be thankful for.
October 2005 Photos
Evan enjoys his first birthday and his second Halloween.
September 2005 Photos
Evan's trip to the beach and walking with toy.
August 2005 Photos
Evan goes to see the fish.
July 2005 Photos
Evan learns how to crawl!
June 2005 Photos
It's summertime!
May 2005 Photos
Getting ready for summer.
April 2005 Photos
Pictures and videos of lots of eating.
March 2005 Photos
Still growing...
February 2005 Photos
Our little cupid.
January 2005 Photos
Evan`s few healthy days.
December 2004 Photos
Evan`s first Christmas pictures.
November 2004 Photos
More Evan pictures as well as a video.
October 2004 Photos
Sonogram pictures and Evan's first month.
Hospital Photos
Photos taken by the hospital after birth.
Evan Berkley Carwile was born at 11:59 PM on October 5, 2004.
He weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces and measured 21 inches long.

Santa was very nice to Evan, probably because Evan waved hello to him on the fire truck.

Here are some pictures and a movie from December.

Evan's Growth Chart
Date Weight Height
10-5-2004 9lb 8oz 21"
10-11-2004 9lb 13oz 22 1/8"
10-18-2004 9lb 10oz 21 3/4"
11-12-2004 11lb 14oz 23"
11-29-2004 13lb 4oz --
12-10-2004 14lb 3oz 25"
1-26-2005 16lb 8oz --
2-21-2005 17lb 6oz 27 1/8"
4-6-2005 18lb 12oz --
5-9-2005 20lb 8oz --
6-6-2005 21lb 4oz --
7-8-2005 22lb 4oz 30 1/4"
8-18-2005 23lb 0oz --
10-14-2005 23lb 4oz 31"
1-13-2006 24lb 7oz 32 1/4"